In a profession long seen as recession-proof, applications far outnumber the jobs available for educators.
From The Washington Post: Prince William County schools approve bonus plan for instructors at poor schools
The Prince William County School Board in D.C .approved a new compensation plan Wednesday night that would provide bonuses to teachers and principals who help high-poverty schools succeed. The school grants would be apportioned to teachers and principals in amounts that likely would range from $2,000 to $10,000.
From The Wall Street Journal: Charter Effort Gets Boost as Duncan, Bloomberg Visit School
The U.S. Secretary of Education gave a symbolic boost to efforts to raise the state's charter-school cap during a visit to New York City on Tuesday to stump for a $23 billion federal bill to save teacher jobs.
From The New York Times: California: DNA Tests Criticized
The Center for Genetics and Society is calling for the University of California, Berkeley, to suspend a project in which freshmen will be asked to provide samples of their DNA for analysis.
Photo (cc) via Flickr user thegr8gavo.