A Beaverton, Ore., middle school teacher whose "Crash the Tea Party" Internet campaign drew national attention is back in the classroom after more than a week on paid leave. Beaverton School District officials continue to investigate whether Jason Levin used school time or property to work on his effort.
From The New York Times: Study Finds Young Hispanics Face Obstacles to Integration
A snapshot of Hispanic youngsters — the fastest-growing group in the United States by age and ethnicity — concludes that the obstacles and inequalities they face today “may hinder the broader integration of Latinos into U.S. society if left unattended.” More than one in five American children are Latino. While 92 percent of them are citizens, 58 percent live with one or more foreign-born parents.
From the Los Angeles Times: California takes new tack in bid for U.S. school funding
The state, which lost out in the first round of the Race to the Top grant competition, will have three large districts apply: L.A., Long Beach and Fresno.
From The New York Times: In New Jersey, a Civics Lesson in the Internet Age
Inspired by a Facebook message, thousands of students walked out.
Photo (cc) via Flickr user diong.