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Era of Transparency Still Just Around the Corner

Everyone, including people at this blog, was super excited that the stimulus bill was going to be fully transparent, to the point that the government contracts involving money from the bill were going to be fully searchable online. That is what they told us at the beginning. Not shockingly, that turns..

Everyone, including people at this blog, was super excited that the stimulus bill was going to be fully transparent, to the point that the government contracts involving money from the bill were going to be fully searchable online. That is what they told us at the beginning. Not shockingly, that turns out to be less than true.That provision was only in the House bill. In the final, reconciled bill, that provision now says that only a summary of the contract must be posted-and only for contracts of more than $500,000. How many contracts are we going to see coming in at $499,000. More than a few, would be my guess.Obama promised to bring change to Washington, and many of us believed him. But no matter how hard he tries, or pretends to try, it seems more and more that there is little he can do about Congress not wanting to change, and about how much they kowtow to government contractors and lobbyists, who also don't want to change. We may just have to accept that Obama, Herculean as he may be, might not be capable of cleaning out the Augean stable that is the U.S government.

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