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Financial Fitness Task 25: Make a Wish List to Curb Impulse Buys #30DaysofGOOD

Grab a pen. We're making wish lists.

Things are easier said than done, or so the old adage goes, and we couldn't agree more. That's why we do The GOOD 30-Day Challenge (#30DaysofGOOD), a monthly attempt to live better. Our challenge for January? Financial fitness.

Make a wish list to curb impulse buys.

We’ve all suffered from a bout of buyer’s regret. Turns out that sweater you just couldn't live without isn’t quite as perfect without the blinding lights of the fitting-room mirror. Within a week it’s taken residence in your closet, right alongside other long-forgotten purchases. That’s why today’s task is to help curb those occasional impulse buys.

You’ve already made a list of what you need; it’s time to make a wish list to help you decide what you really want. A new bicycle? A flight to New York? By setting clear, big-picture goals, you’ll have them in the back of your mind every time you’re tempted to buy the latest and greatest cat hairbrush. You’ll have a heightened awareness of all the traps of checkout-line extras and charming salesman.

Be wary of the buy one, get one free deal. Were you really intending to purchase it in the first place? Don’t be tempted to throw a few needless things into your cart to reach $100 just so you can get that 10 percent off. Stay strong, stand your ground, and remember your goals!

It takes nothing more than a split-second burst of willpower. Gather your courage and walk away, knowing every bit saved is a step toward getting what you really desire. And when the time comes to check something off your wish list, you can make the purchase guilt-free. You’ve earned it!

So take a few minutes and make your wish list. Don’t be afraid to think big! It’ll keep you focused and motivated, so you can recognize an impulse buy for what it is.

Come back tomorrow for the next task in our financial fitness challenge.

Vote here on your favorite financial fitness project. The submission with the most votes wins $500.

Photo via (cc) Flickr user jovike