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Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Admits That Donald Trump ‘Is The Problem’

“It is not the fake news media that's your problem”

President Trump has been in office for 138 days and, given his lack of significant legislative victories and the specter of the Russian scandal looming above his head, his poll numbers have fallen again. A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday found that only 34 percent of voters approve of Trump’s performance, his lowest since taking office. Given his diminishing popularity and Fox News’ declining ratings, at what point will the conservative network begin to run from Trump?

On Tuesday, Fox News host Neil Cavuto attacked Trump during the “Common Sense” segment of his show. He began by pointing out a recent tweet by the president.

“Mr. President, it is not the fake news media that’s your problem. It’s you,” Cavuto admitted. “It’s not just your tweeting, it’s your scapegoating. It’s your refusal to see that sometimes you’re the one that’s feeding your own beast.” Cavuto also criticized Trump for blaming members of his own party for his failures. “Mr. President, they didn’t tweet disparaging comments about a London mayor in the middle of a murder spree. You did.”

Cavuto pointed to an editorial in Monday’s issue of The Wall Street Journalwhich echoes his sentiments, while issuing a dire warning. “You’re right to say a lot of people are out to get you, Mr. President. But as The Journal pointed out, the buck stops with you.”

[quote position="full" is_quote="false"]If this pattern continues, Mr. Trump may find himself running an administration with no one but his family and the Breitbart staff. ... People of talent and integrity won’t work for a boss who undermines them in public without thinking about the consequences.” [/quote]

Cavuto’s decision to buck the Fox News line may show that cracks are beginning to form between Trump and his favorite news outlet. If Trump continues to refuse to take responsibility for his own actions, he may lose the backing of those who helped him get elected. “Just because your own critics never thought you’d make it to the White House does not mean you shouldn’t listen to those who want you to thrive and succeed in the White House. They’re not the problem, Mr. President. Like I said, these days, you are,” Cavuto said.