This week in GOOD's community blog, marijane reviews Barbara Kingslover's latest book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle:"The Kingsolver's tested the concept of growing local food by trying to live a whole year solely on food grown by themselves or nearby. Surprisingly, they succeeded. Mostly. ...The end of the book analyzes vegetarianism, suggests ways to find local/organic food, and has tips on canning and storing local food. As far as vegetarianism goes, it only makes eating locally considerably harder. It would be awfully hard to find local tofu anywhere in the western United States.I would recommend Animal, Vegetable, Miracle to any consumer old enough to read. It opened my eyes to the horror that is Monsanto, the importance of organic, and the problems that emerge with non local consumerism."Read her entire review here.Elsewhere in the community blog, mb1020 discusses the PR disaster that faced Domino's Pizza this week when two deviant employees posted video of their kitchen mischief to YouTube, and questions whether the corporate response might be ignoring the roots of the problem:"I've never worked at Domino's, but I can't imagine it's a very supportive culture. Rather, I can readily imagine an oppressive one. Even more so with the addition of a 'food czar,' 'auditors in the store,' and a 'no camera' policy, as the company is promising. It's a culture of fear, at minimum wage. ...It's time the fast food industry learn from Southwest Airlines, Wahoo's Fish Taco, and the like that the very best way to earn the lasting trust of customers is to first trust and value your employees."Read his full post here.
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