Most people see discarded car tires and neglected structures as nothing more than useless garbage. Fortunately for Lima, Peru, the members of Basurama are not "most" people. The Spanish group dedicated to educating and raising awareness about the abundance of trash, decided to take on an old eyesore for their latest project. What were once the abandoned remnants of a failed electric train development are now part of a colorful amusement park, complete with swings and a climbing wall. Treehugger quoted Basurama's Ruben Lorenzo:
This is a way to celebrate these public spaces in a way that's good for the people from this neighborhood. We believe this infrastructure is an opportunity for action and for generating encounters, energy and opportunity for people.Check out some amazing pictures of people enjoying the recycled park over at Treehugger. What spaces in your city would you like to see repurposed á la Basurama?