Most people don't know who represents them in Congress. Even fewer can name the challenger to their current representative-one of the reasons why it's rare for an incumbent to lose a House race. Should the Democrats manage to grab 15 seats from the Republicans, you'll be hearing from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2007-a vision of the future that is ratcheting up the GOP fundraising. Here are 15 races that, unlike most of the 435 House contests, have outcomes that may be in doubt.CONNECTICUT2nd DistrictEastern ConnecticutSIMMONS (R) v. COURTNEY (D)If Democrats want to take back the house, the best targets are moderate Republicans who serve in Democratic-leaning districts. Rep. Rob Simmons is a prime example. If his district decides they've had enough of the Republican party line, Joe Courtney is in-despite the fact that Simmons doesn't very often toe that party line.FLORIDA22nd DistrictIncluding West Palm BeachSHAW (R) v. KLEIN (D)As of June, state Senator Ron Klein had raised more money than any other nonincumbent candidate in his attempt to unseat 13-term Rep. Clay Shaw. But Shaw is a savvy vet of these House races, and the 22nd was redistricted in 2002 to give Shaw an edge against Democratic challengers-even popular, well-funded ones.LOUISIANA3rd District Southern LouisianaMELANCON (D) v. ROMERO (R)In this district hit hard by Katrina, Rep. Charlie Melancon is running against state Senator Craig Romero, who has grabbed a bunch of cross-the-aisle endorsements.NEW MEXICO1st DistrictAlbuquerque and vicinityWILSON (R) v. MADRID (D)Patricia Madrid, New Mexico's attorney general, is fighting to take this seat in a district that went for Kerry by a slim margin in 2004. Wilson is popular, but may be dragged down by New Mexicans' low opinion of her party.NEW YORK24th District (open)Central New YorkARCURI (D) v. MEIER (R)Twelve-term congresswoman and moderate Republican Sherry Boehlert retired, leaving a vacuum in this fairly conservative (for New York) upstate district. State Senator Ray Meier is well liked, but District Attorney Michael Arcuri may be helped by having Democrats on the ticket (Clinton for senator, Spitzer for governor) who will win in a landslide.NORTH CAROLINA11th DistrictIncluding AshevilleTAYLOR (R) v. SHULER (D)Charles Taylor made the ill-advised decision (later retracted) to come out against using federal money to pay for a memorial to the passengers of United Flight 93. Conservative Democrat (and former college football star and pro football burnout) Heath Shuler is coming on strong.OHIO18th District (open)Suburbs of ColumbusPADGETT (R) v. SPACE (D)Bob Ney, often implicated in the Abramoff scandal, suddenly dropped out of the race in early August. He has anointed state Senator Joy Padgett as his successor, but a Republican primary had not yet taken place at press time. Challenger Zack Space hopes his pledge to accept absolutely nothing from lobbyists if he is elected will resonate with voters tired of corruption.PENNSYLVANIA6th DistrictWest suburbs of PhilidelphiaGERLACH (R) v. MURPHY (D)Lois Murphy is challenging Rep. Jim Gerlach again after losing to him in 2004. Gerlach needs to be as moderate as possible while still appearing conservative. His district isn't happy with the war, but isn't particularly liberal at heart either.GEORGIA8th DistrictIncluding MaconMARSHALL (D) v. COLLINS (R)Mac Collins lost a Republican primary in the 2004 senate race, and is looking to get back to Washington. Rep. Jim Marshall's district has been redistricted since he won his seat, and now leans more Republican than when he was first elected. Couple that with Collins' large war chest, and Marshall faces a tough test.IOWA1st District (open)Eastern IowaBRALEY (D) v. WHALEN (R)The fight for this open seat in Iowa may be an indication of how things will settle nationwide on election night. The district has been controlled by Republicans for years, but has been turning bluer recently. If Bruce Braley can claim the seat, Washington, D.C. might look different come 2007.IOWA3rd DistrictIncluding Des MoinesBOSWELL (D) v. LAMBERTI (R)Iowa's hallowed place as the starting gate for the presidency means that its local races get a lot of attention from presidential candidates who want an Iowa friend come primary season. Sadly, incumbent Rep. Leonard Boswell has been hampered by health problems, making Jeff Lamberti's well-financed campaign to unseat him seem a bit heartless.ILLINOIS6th District (open)Chicago SuburbsDUCKWORTH (D) v. ROSKAM (R)Tammy Duckworth lost both legs in Iraq, and her critique of the war has propelled her into a tight race with Peter Roskam, a well-funded state senator. It's a historically Republican district with an open seat, so Duckworth is going to have to get lucky.8th DistrictNorthern suburbs of ChicagoBEAN (D) v. McSWEENEY (R)Rep. Melissa Bean has money in the bank and the weight of incumbency, but millionaire businessman David McSweeney has a chance in this slightly Republican district. McSweeney's business ties with Enron, however, won't endear him to many voters.INDIANA8th DistrictSouthwestern IndianaHOSTETTLER (R) v. ELLSWORTH (D)Rep. John Hostettler once claimed that abortions and breast cancer are medically linked. He was also arrested for trying to carry a gun onto a plane. Pro-life, pro-gun Democrat Brad Ellsworth is just the kind of challenger that this conservative district might choose to replace their volatile congressman.TEXAS17th DistrictIncluding Waco and College StationEDWARDS (D) v. TAYLOR (R)This district includes the western White House in Crawford, and the president won it by 70 percent in 2004, yet it's represented by Democrat Chet Edwards. Proving that Democrats aren't the only party that can benefit by fielding Iraq vets, recently returned soldier Van Taylor is offering a formidable challenge to Edwards.