There are many sacrifices that come with being a parent. A major one is losing the ability to be left alone. For many parents, alone time means relaxing for a few minutes with a glass of wine after the kid’s bedtime and then falling asleep on the couch because their so exhausted. Ashley Gardner of American Fork, Utah showed the ends a parent will go to just to get a second to herself in a hilarious video she recently posted to Facebook.
In the video, Gardner, the mother of quadruplet girls, hides in her kitchen pantry sneaking two pieces of liquorice while they play outside the door. “They don’t ever go away. They want everything you have,” Gardner says to the camera like she’s being chased by the Blair Witch. Then she pans her camera to the floor to show one child trying to get into the pantry beneath the door.
Gardner may be exhausted from taking care of her children, but she’s over the moon about her four girls. Gardner and her husband, Tyson, spent eight years trying to conceive a child until she was implanted with two eggs via in vitro fertilization. Soon after, the eggs split, leaving the couple with quintuplets. The family has documented the journey on their blog, Gardner Quad Squad.