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Neighborhood Watch

-The California Supreme Court has agreed to review legal challenges to Prop 8. A hearing could come as early as March. -Google is hosting a searchable database containing more than 250 years of photos archived by LIFE magazine. Many never made it to the pages of the now-defunct mag and are on offer..

-The California Supreme Court has agreed to review legal challenges to Prop 8. A hearing could come as early as March.-Google is hosting a searchable database containing more than 250 years of photos archived by LIFE magazine. Many never made it to the pages of the now-defunct mag and are on offer for the first time. (Via Boing Boing)-File under "life imitating art:" The town of Hamelin in Germany is suffering a rat infestation. According to legend, the Pied Piper serenaded a throng of rodents out of town 725 years ago next year.-The New York Observer replays the speculation over the last week involving Hillary Clinton and the Secretary of State gig in the Obama Cabinet. Did reporters end up actually making the news instead of chronicling it?-The AP has suspended the use of any U.S. Department of Defense photos after this latest image photo doctoring controversy.-From the GOOD Community: RD3JD shares two sites where he often finds inspiration--the archive of talks from the TED conference and videos from the DO Lectures, a series held in the U.K.(Photo from the November 8 Proposition 8 protests in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles. We're pretty sure that's Wanda Sykes. Credit: Henry Jacobson.)

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