Like it or not, Chris Simcox is forcing the immigration issue.
"Migrant-hunting vigilantes," is how former Mexican president Vicente Fox described the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) when it began conducting "border actions" in April, 2005. But Chris Simcox, 45, the executive director of the MCDC, prefers to see his organization as a kind of benevolent patrol, or as he puts it: "a large neighborhood-watch group.""We're not against immigrants," Simcox says. "We're against illegal immigration, which is a problem of national security." Simcox cofounded the MCDC in 2004, after patrolling the border between Arizona and Mexico for two years with an organization he founded called Civil Homeland Defense. These border patrols were first launched in response to the September 11th attacks: if the government cannot prevent immigrants from crossing the border, he wondered, how will it manage to stop well-planned terrorists?Quote: |
What we're fighting has nothing to do with race-it's about rule of law. |