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Delta Bans Obnoxious Trump Supporter For Life

The ban comes after the airline was criticized for letting him fly.

Hate crimes have been on the rise across the United States after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election. Women have been groped in public, Muslims assaulted, and racist graffiti has been reported throughout the country. Some of this behavior has been captured on camera and gone viral on social media, most notably a white woman berating African-American cashiers at a Chicago Michael’s and a seemingly-intoxicated Trump supporter screaming on a Delta flight.

Today, Delta CEO Edward H. Bastian released a memo saying the man who was filmed screaming pro-Trump statements on a flight is now banned from the airline for life. “This individual displayed behavior that was loud, rude and disrespectful to his fellow customers,” Mr. Bastian said. “We must require civility on our planes and in our facilities.” The airline had been under fire for allowing the man to remain on the flight after his outburst.

As the plane sat on a runway in Atlanta, Georgia en route to Allentown, Pennsylvania, the man stood up and shouted “Donald Trump, baby! We got some Hillary bitches on here?” He then continued his outburst saying, “Donald Trump! It’s your president. Every goddamn one of you. If you don’t like it, too bad.” The video was taken by a passenger named Emma Baum who had witnessed the angry passenger shouting similar pro-Trump statements in the terminal before boarding the flight.

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