In what should not be a blow to supporters of tiny cars like the Yaris and the Smart, crash test results released today by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that, in a head on collision with a larger car, the smaller car and its passengers will incur more damage. In other news, the IIHS proved that when you walk outside in the rain, you will get wet.The auto industry has often argued that smaller, more fuel-efficent cars are impractical because of their safety concerns. And yes, when driving one, you should be aware that your car is much smaller and potentially more dangerous than other cars on the road. But you know what? A Taurus would get crushed by an SUV, and an SUV would get crushed by an 18-wheeler. Does the IIHS posit that we should all be driving enormous trucks around just to be as safe as possible? Should we wear helmets when we are driving? Here's a thought: If no one was driving enormous SUVs, than the little cars would have a much smaller chance of being destroyed by one in a crash
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