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Police Chopper Films A Motorcyclist Smashing Car Mirrors, Then Brings Him To Justice

The rider had been accused of smashing countless mirrors.

Normally if you were to call the police to tell them that your car mirror had been torn off by a speeding motorcycle, your hopes for justice would be … low. However, as this video shows, it always pays to report crimes. Over the course of a week in Contra Costa, California, highway patrol had received several calls reporting that drivers’ mirrors had been ripped off by the same neon green Kawasaki sport bike.

It’s impossible to ascertain the reckless rider’s intent, but as you can see in the video, via Jalopnik, even when given plenty of room to pass, the driver still manages to do damage, suggesting that it’s an intentional act of destruction.

The police chopper caught sight of the green bike on the ground and, unsurprisingly, caught the rider in the act of damaging cars and driving at speeds of over 100 mph.

The post made by the agency reads:

“If you're one that thinks you can ride recklessly on the highways, smash people's side view mirrors, and drive at speeds well over 100 mph — think again. Thanks to our CHP – Golden Gate Division Air Operations and their eye in the sky, this rider led the "Air-Ops" team and our ground units straight to his house where we were waiting for him.
Now he's facing pending charges of reckless driving, vandalism, suspended registration, and his motorcycle was impounded. (This same behavior from the same rider occurred multiple days in a row last week.)
During this past week, if you were a victim of this green Kawasaki motorcycle rider kicking, punching, and smashing mirrors, please call us at 925-646-4980, with the date, times, location, and all information to make a report. Thank you.”

This serves as a lesson to reckless drivers and riders, of course, but also to those who are victims or witnesses on the road. Your complaint may feel fruitless, but the police do take them seriously, and with the information, they can apprehend the bad guys and make the streets a little safer for everyone.