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Project 009: Faux Chick Salad

For Project 009 Elissa Cox sent us this vegan "faux chick salad" with fresh veggies and wheat crackers for dipping, and a sliced red...

For Project 009 Elissa Cox sent us this vegan "faux chick salad" with fresh veggies and wheat crackers for dipping, and a sliced red apple. Here's her recipe:

Faux Chick Salad

Makes approximately 4 servingsTo make the faux chick salad:1 package firm tofu, drained, pressed and cubed1 stalk celery, diced¼ red bell pepper, diced½ cup Veganaisse, or vegan mayonnaise substitute2 teaspoons Braggs amino acids, or soy sauce2 teaspoons prepared mustard, like Grey Poupon1 Tablespoon fresh chopped Italian parsley1 Tablespoon fresh chopped BasilSalt and Pepper to tasteDrain and press one package of tofu. You'll need to press it under something heavy for about an hour, turning over halfway through.Once it's drained, cube into small, bite-sized pieces, and put into a large mixing bowl.Dice the celery and red bell pepper (you can use any pepper, but red adds a nice color), and add to mixing bowl.Stir in Veganaisse, Braggs, and mustard being careful not to break apart the tofu.Next stir in fresh herbs and season to taste with salt and pepper.Bon Appétit!Then just slice some celery, carrots, cucumber, and radishes, put them in a container with your salad. Bag up some crackers and apple slices, and you've got yourself a healthy and satisfying meal! Don't forget a travel mug so you can add some hot water for your favorite tea, and decorate your brown bag so you'll be more likely to use it multiple times with your yummy lunches!

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