Resting In Peace Somewhat Doubtful: Augsto Pinochet
Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet died yesterday, which caused riots in Chile as pro-Pinochet protesters clashed with anti-Pinochet protesters. You have to imagine it was a rough time to be a pro-Pinochet protester. What were you protesting? That he had died? Read a full obit here. And for Pinochet..
Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet died yesterday, which caused riots in Chile as pro-Pinochet protesters clashed with anti-Pinochet protesters. You have to imagine it was a rough time to be a pro-Pinochet protester. What were you protesting? That he had died? Read a full obit here. And for Pinochet at a glimpse, try this lovely quote on his purges of leftists during his regime: ""Human rights? That's an invention of the Marxists."