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Switching Gears

Everyone was revved up over Toyota's 2009 solar-paneled Prius this week, so it's nice to see General Motors, a pillar of American industry which has long been under fire for things like being a corporation, and manufacturing automobiles, isn't only one-upping the foreign competition, but frantically backpedaling to try and make a less environmentally oblivious name for themselves in a progressively more fuel efficiency-driven car market.

We just mentioned how they're supplying the Democratic National Convention's biofuel vehicles. And when it comes to hybrids, apparently BMW, Chrysler and other car companies are turning to GM's technology. Yet another big statement-spanning 2,000,000 square feet-was just released: they're set to install the world's largest rooftop solar power station at their plant in Zaragoza, Spain. 19 other GM Europe facilities may follow, and they already operate two of the United States's largest solar panel stations on parts warehouses in California. A series of hydrogen stations to refuel fuel cell vehicles like their new Chevy Equinox is in the works. Now, rumor has it, we may even see the demise of the Hummer, which may someday be considered transportation's equivalent to the 8-track tape.

Is it desperation? Or is it progress? Or is it progress out of desperation. Either way, it's a major force that has been bullied into doing a little better. That's somewhat encouraging.

Photo: Colorado's governor and a GM environment & energy exec have a super-great time refilling their E85 at an ethanol fueling station.

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