The Week That Was.
The GOOD Education Event Series on creativity was held last night at our headquarters in L.A. Nearly 50 people showed up to discuss whether youth are being creatively engaged and how we might do a better job accomplishing that. Join us on the following two Thursdays, September 16 and September 23, to continue the conversation. To attend one or both events simply RSVP to:
We discovered the importance of being optimistic.
Should student test scores be used to evaluate teachers? We teamed up with the Waiting for Superman folks to sponsor a debate. We hope you'll weigh in.
Liz Willen and Casey Selix asked: How do we get more community college students to graduate?
Josh Barkey, an art teacher in North Carolina, wondered whether teachers disappear during holidays and weekends.
And finally, Nikhil Swaminathan reported on whether D.C. could soon be without Michelle Rhee and Whole Foods wanting to put 300 salad bars in public schools.
Photo (CC) by Flickr user The White House.