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The Week That Was: GOOD Education

The Week That Was.

The GOOD Education Event Series will be held on September 9, 16, and 23. We hope you'll join in the conversation on creativity, content, and setting high expectations. To attend one or all of the events simply RSVP to:

The teacher evaluation debate picked up steam.

Starting at the age of four, girls think they're smarter than boys.

Students in a class at the University of Notre Dame switched to iPads.

Josh Barkey, an art teacher in North Carolina, argued that his students adopt the expansion of no-shave November.

Shamus Khan, a professor of sociology at Columbia University, tackled Texas's 10-percent rule for college admission.

Finally, Nikhil Swaminathan asked whether we should pay kids to go to school and whether value-added teacher data is flawed.

Photo (CC) by Flickr user woodleywonderworks.