name Kelly Reemtsenage 39location Los Angelesoccupation Painter and printmaker
1. Ibanez guitar: "I'm learning guitar and learning to read music. I picked something pretty so I would want to play it."2. Sharpie collection: "They're like eye candy to me. I can't go into an art store without buying some."3. Painting of her own 1974 Vespa Primavera: "Most of the things that show up in my paintings are things that show up in my house."4. Oil paints.5. Vintage baby doll dress, from the 1960s.6. Silk-screen ink.7. FrancisFrancis! espresso machine: "That thing's my lifeline. I've had that for about seven or eight years. It is a bad-ass espresso machine."8. Orange C-clamps: "I like the color orange. It just makes me happy."
And These Are Her Things
1. Ibanez guitar: "I'm learning guitar and learning to read music. I picked something pretty so I would want to play it."2. Sharpie collection: "They're like eye candy to me. I can't go into an art store without buying some."3. Painting of her own 1974 Vespa Primavera: "Most of the things that show up in my paintings are things that show up in my house."4. Oil paints.5. Vintage baby doll dress, from the 1960s.6. Silk-screen ink.7. FrancisFrancis! espresso machine: "That thing's my lifeline. I've had that for about seven or eight years. It is a bad-ass espresso machine."8. Orange C-clamps: "I like the color orange. It just makes me happy."