This video is a classic Disney cartoon. Apparently worried that today's kids wouldn't be into Donald Duck's baking getting the better of him, they've remixed it (and many other others) into a show called Blam, which features a horrible narrator yelling "blam!" when bad things happen to Donald, and generally making obnoxious comments and employing "features" like slow-motion replays.
Some choice lines:
"He's cooking up a delicious serving of... blam!"
"Cement. It does the body bad. Blam!"
And this knock knock joke:
"'Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"It's blam.'"
"Blam who?
"Blam in your face!"
This is obviously a poor addition to the Disney canon, and I feel for today's children who watch this and for the suits at Disney who felt this was necessary. Do kids need someone providing a play-by-play because the original cartoon is too boring? Or do they need constant commentary to understand anything?
Via the Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me blog.