Everyone’s favorite angry conservative millennial, Tomi Lahren, has come out with a suggestion for anyone looking to spread conservative holiday cheer this season.
On Facebook, Lahren posted what we can only assume is a sponsored advertisement for her fans to purchase a Not My President calendar that mocks everything triggering for “snowflake” liberals, and of course the fact that Hillary lost. In fact, the only real theme of the entire calendar is that Hillary isn’t the president.
The calendar features Elizabeth Warren in a Native American headdress, a scowling Hillary, a tax-hungry Bernie Sanders, a kneeling Colin Kaepernick, and Beto O’Rourke in a sombrero. And that’s just the cover.
Inside, it’s equally as uncreative. November features Elizabeth Warren being served by suited butlers at what appears to be the first Thanksgiving. September is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez being confused by Labor Day, “Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs!”
April shows an April Fools “just kidding Hillary didn’t win!” fake news headline and July, by far the creepiest of them all, shows Trump caressing an American Flag while Barack Obama and crew question, “why does he love this country so much?”
Is that why conservatives think liberals have the beliefs they do? Because liberals “hate” America? This is news to me.
I guess since Tomi Lahren can’t even go out to a restaurant anymore without getting drinks thrown in her face, she might as well get paid to boost the sales of a cartoon calendar that only works to divide our country further. I would even be fine with this calendar if it had one good joke, but alas, mocking liberals just isn’t as funny as mocking conservatives.
Lahren also tried to push the calendar on her Twitter:
Here’s December! https://t.co/u4LtH619uo pic.twitter.com/ZHzlVfv74s
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) December 9, 2018
December features (surprise!) a bunch of liberal heads on snowflakes, one of them being Parkland school shooting survivor, David Hogg. Maybe next year, you could hire a comedy writer to do a punch-up? Stephen Colbert would be a good choice ...
Lahren’s Facebook was generally supportive of the calendar with one fan suggesting she make a “Tomi calendar” with “a lot of guns!” but Twitter, of course, clapped back.
Well it got one thing right, Tricia. Pretty soon he’s not going to be anyone’s president.
— Lisa Braun Dubbels (@lisadubbels) December 9, 2018
Lol for some reason, I think this calendar might lose any relevance in 2019.
— WittyandSpitty (@witandspit) December 9, 2018
Funny thing is, by December 2019 he won’t be anyone’s president!!!
— Marco De La Cruz (@calicheesehead4) December 9, 2018
This must be the hardest time of the year for a grinch named @TomiLahren
— Shin Nerdzilla (@BOOMBAPPRODUSA) December 9, 2018
You could’ve at least hired a graphic designer who has a skill level above 1st grade art
— Alisha(@SassyEconomist) December 9, 2018
Is money that tight for you? Now you're a hawker...of calendars..
— Isaac J. Muswane-Madda, MD, M.Sc. (@SwaggertJimmy) December 9, 2018
Seriously that’s your take on funny?
— chad thompson (@chadpthompson) December 9, 2018
Nice that you added the kid who survived the school shooting. Classy.
— Joel Myers (@OCP_Rule) December 9, 2018
Are they all minorities on purpose?
— Talia (@2020fight) December 9, 2018
I don't think any of those people follow you, Toyota.
— Marie Connor (@thistallawkgirl) December 9, 2018
Calling this lame gives it too much credit. Better luck next time.
— Mel G (@melgugli77) December 9, 2018
Well.. pretty good. A solid C. Using the same phrase for each day is more 3rd grade work. Here in 4th grade we expect more complete sentences. Good photoshop
— jehova (@iwitnesedjehova) December 9, 2018