Doing something that they probably couldn't have imagined in their wildest dreams as environmentalists back in the 1990s,'s Bill McKibben and Grist founder Chip Giller will be having a live web chat today at 3:00 p.m. Eastern. They'll be talking mostly about the upcoming 10/10/10 Global Work Parties:
Are you fed up with political leaders who've failed again and again and again to put us on a path toward climate sanity? Clearly, it's time to take matters into our own hands -- literally.
That's the idea behind the Global Work Party being organized by On 10/10/10, people all around the world will gather in their communities to get things done. Politicians are invited to come and take notes.
Here's what we'll be asking: "Is it true that Bill was Chip's babysitter once upon a time?" (We heard through the environmental media grapevine.)