The Yes Men's meticulous dismantling of Chevron's "We Agree" greenwashing campaign, which Morgan was on early, has yet another layer. Today, it's a spoof commercial on Funny or Die.
According to original Yes Man Andy Bichlbaum, the video was "submitted by the comedy troupe Funny or Die" and "is already cracking up online legions." You'll recall that earlier this week the pranksters asked activists everywhere to create their own spoof ads, providing templates and graphics for download. So apparently this new open-source punking initiative is producing some interesting results.
Here a quick crack at a transcription of the video:
Woman, playing teaching: Listen, I'm an actress pretending to be a teacher, and they told me to use the phrase "renewable energy."
Man, playing Chevron "Environmental Operations: They told me to say "renewable energy," and they put me in this denim shirt.
W: Chevron thinks denim is shorthand for environment.
M: I look like an episode of Jaywalking, but maybe the beard will fool people into thinking that Chevron gives a frog's fat ass about the environment. You see, Chevron is spending tens of millions of dollars on this ad campaign cause it's easier than just making changes.
W: Chevron must think you people are fucking idiots.
M: We think you people are fucking idiots. [To crew] Who's got a smoke? I just need a drag. Somebody? There are 40 of you!
I say "funny." You can check out all the spoof ads—print and video—at, where you can also submit your own.