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Video: Where Are You From? No, I Mean Where Are You Really From?

Whether you're first generation American, second, third, or of Native American descent, everyone in the U.S. has a story of where they come from.

Whether you're first generation American, second, third, or of Native American descent, everyone in the U.S. has a story of where they're from. And chances are, in America, you've probably been asked where you "come from" more than just once if you're not caucasian.

In this hilarious video, What Kind of Asian Are You? filmmakers and comedians David Neptune and Ken Tanaka take a stab at the quest to guess origins, often to the point of embarrassment. In it, Scott Beehner plays a friendly jogger, a little too interested in figuring out the heritage of actor Stella Choe.

There are many layers to this video, but one take away from it could be for us to better understand that no matter how different we may look, all U.S. citizens are "real Americans"—whatever that means anyway.