Writes Brook: "How did those eyes see the world? We'll never know for sure, but part of the answer may liein a document he left behind, one that has strangely gone largely unexamined: his master's thesis in urban planning. While the bulk of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabian street toughs tapped for their brawn, Atta was chosen for his brains. Trained as an architect in his native Egypt, he went on to pursue a master's degree in city planning at the Hamburg University of Technology,in Germany."
Brook, then, literally retraces his steps in the search for some answers. The three dispatches-here, here, and here-read sort of like the geographical biography of Atta. Be sure to also check out the slide shows. It's insightful and well written, but better than that, it adds something to the conversation.
The image, from the Slate slide show, is of the mosque in Germany where Atta prayed and taught religion classes.