How great would it be to see Donald Trump appear on an episode of “Between Two Ferns?” Critics of the occasional web series say it’s become a little too gentle in recent interviews with high-profile politicians like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Still, it’s power cannot be denied – that episode alone has already been streamed more than 42 million times since first airing last week.
But a Trump episode would get Galifianakis do his thing uninterrupted. The variety of embarrassing, awkward and hilarious things he could ask and say to Trump would be one for the history books.
Sadly, that’s never going to happen.
“No. That doesn’t interest me. Doing it the other way doesn’t interest me,” Galifianakis told the Los Angeles Times. “He’s the kind of guy who likes attention — bad attention or good attention. So you’re dealing with a psychosis there that's a little weird. I wouldn’t have somebody on that’s so mentally challenged. I feel like I’d be taking advantage of him. And you can print that.”
Of course, it’s just as likely that his own well-established political leanings means Galifianakis doesn’t want to give free airtime to the Republican presidential nominee. And in the past, he’s shown a willingness to make a stand against those he disagrees with. For example, he reportedly helped lead a cast revolt against giving Mel Gibson a cameo in The Hangover 2.
If you can believe it, Galifianakis told the Los Angeles Times he still gets nervous about interviewing big-time politicians and celebrities. But he was impressed by Clinton’s ability to roll with the punches. In fact, he said she was so good natured, they had to cut out one instance of her laughing so they could maintain the façade of it being a confrontational, uncomfortable interview:
“I’m nervous in those situations because, you know, you don’t know them on a personal level. But I will say she’s very personable in real life. She really is,” he told the Times. “There was a laugh or two from her – a really big laugh – that we had to edit out because it wasn’t icy enough for us in a weird way for what we were doing.”