Although the film industry is often seen as a liberal pillar of American culture, Hollywood has a major problem with sexism. Studies show that only 22 percent of protagonists in American films are female. So with the upcoming release of Wonder Woman, women have good reason to celebrate with a strong female lead. The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in New York City decided to commemorate the event with a women-only screening of the film, and some men are furious.
The cinema’s announcement:
We're proud to be hosting #WonderWoman screenings for women ONLY (incl our staff) w/ all proceeds going to @PPFA! :
— Alamo Drafthouse NYC (@AlamoNYC) May 25, 2017
“Apologies, gentlemen, but we’re embracing our girl power and saying ‘No Guys Allowed’ for one special night at the Alamo Ritz. And when we say ‘People Who Identify As Women Only,’ we mean it. Everyone working at this screening—venue staff, projectionist, and culinary team —will be female. So lasso your geeky girlfriends together and grab your tickets to this celebration of one of the most enduring and inspiring characters ever created.”
But what appeared to be a good-natured celebration of women ruffled the feathers of some men on Twitter. A group of guys who completely misunderstand gender dynamics thought the event was a form of reverse sexism.
@AlamoNYC @PPFA I have no problem with this but if this was a all men viewing for Justice League it would be world news and there'd be protests for days.
— Julian (@JuLiaNs_World) May 26, 2017
@AlamoNYC @PPFA This is sexist towards men!
— KrinklesTheClown (@KrinklesDaClown) May 25, 2017
@AlamoNYC @PPFA Waiting for the feminist outrage on this decision. Being a blatant exclusion of men, it's clearly an affront to the equality they all crave
— Garett (@_TheDudeAbides_) May 25, 2017
@AlamoNYC @PPFA The Hypocrisy of people is astounding, if this was vice Versa this theater would never get business again, this is just sad.
— Ethan McDonald (@atlasboy1234) May 25, 2017
Of course, one dude had to take it way too far. Like, way too far.
@PocketVolcano @AlamoNYC @Heinekenrana @PPFA "IT'S ONLY ONE SCREENING" says the random idiot... " we're just relocating the jews" says the moustached German... IT'S JUST JUSTIFICATION!
— Starius ✘ (@Starius) May 26, 2017
Some women thought their reaction was pretty sad.
@jamisar @TereKirkland @CajunAngela @JuLiaNs_World @AlamoNYC @PPFA There is nothing so delicate in this world as the male ego. It's not like ALL screenings in ALL theaters are women only AND...
— Miss Chris (@sovereignann) May 26, 2017
The Alamo Draft House got the last laugh because the screening sold out in an hour.
When your screenings of #WonderWoman just for women sell out in an hour
— Alamo Drafthouse NYC (@AlamoNYC) May 26, 2017
Those who believe that holding a female-only screening of a film is sexist against men are indulging themselves in a major false equivalency. For most of human history, men excluded womem from everything from voting to owning land. Women have a long and deep history of being oppressed that men simply do not share. Therefore, saying that excluding men from an event is equal to excluding women is a major logical fallacy.
Plus, in the end, the men should be happy they were excluded from the screening. Does anyone really need to sit through another CGI-ridden superhero movie? Even if it does star a woman?