Meet Tom Henderson, a Portland resident who's really into math. So into math, in fact, that he wants to write a book about it called Punk Mathematics. His basic pitch: Punk asks questions; math has the answers.
Henderson's mathe-madness has received shout-outs from BoingBoing and's Geek Dad, and his Kickstarter page, where he asks for $2,400 to help with, "writing time, reference materials, game and web design, publishing costs," has already brought in nearly 10 times that amount. (Regardless, since I love both math and punk, I'm still going to donate.)
In an interview with Technoccult this February, Henderson unfurled his philosophy of punk mathematics:
Mathematics is the subject in which, regardless of what the authorities tell you is true, you can verify every last iota of truth, with a minimum of equipment.Therefore, if you are concerned with the empowerment of everyday people, and you believe that it’s probably a good idea to be skeptical of authority you could do worse than to develop your skills at being able to talk math in such a way that anyone can ask questions, can express curiosity, can imagine applying it in the most weird-ass off-the-wall ways possible.
Check out the video on Henderson's Kickstarter page. It's a hard pitch to resist.