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Judge Caprio reveals how a priceless piece of advice from his father changed his perspective completely

Judge Frank Caprio talks about how his father was not impressed with his first verdict as a judge and made him understand the importance of kindness.

Judge Caprio reveals how a priceless piece of advice from his father changed his perspective completely
Cover Image Source - YouTube I @Frank Caprio

If you hang out on Facebook or YouTube, you might have seen Frank Caprio on "Caught in Providence." He's the judge who's known for his kind decisions. People love him for his fairness and say he's got a "heart of gold." His videos have become pretty popular online, and everyone seems to have nothing but nice things to say about him. In his own YouTube channel, the judge was recently spotted talking about his first mistake as a judge and the lesson he learned from his father's advice.

In this short clip, Caprio is asked by the interviewer whether he could share any case that he still thinks about to this day. His reply was, "I get upset thinking about it. I felt crumbled at that moment. I have never forgotten about that to this day. For 38 years I still think about that case."

He goes on to discuss his first day on the bench. "I asked my dad, who was the most decent man I had ever met in my life to come down and view me," Recalling his first court case, Caprio says, "A woman came before me, she had 3 kids and she owed maybe $300 worth of parking tickets." The woman was guilty of parking fines and had confessed that she couldn't pay that sum of money because she had three kids to look after and refused to pay the sum. In response, Caprio had suggested that he can put her on some payment program to pay off her parking fines but she still claimed that none of that is going to help her to pay the amount. Yet, Caprio imposed the fine on her and finished the proceedings of the case. 

After finishing his first day as a judge, he said that he went up to his father to ask how he fared as a judge. However, Caprio's father was not impressed with his verdict. His father was not happy with how he went about his proceedings and mentioned how he should have heard her problems and maintained a lenient approach towards the lady who was a mother of three kids.

Caprio concludes the video by saying that since that incident he has never been rude to people and has heard people's problems. Caprio credits his father for his success as a judge and says that he can never forget his father's life-changing advice. Caprio's show "Caught in Providence" is a major testament to his kind-hearted personality. His show has been a major hit and has garnered over a hundred million views on YouTube and Facebook.


You can follow @TheRealFrankCaprio on YouTube to follow his journey and his stories of compassion.

Editor's note: This article was originally published on March 21, 2024. It has since been updated.