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Danica Patrick Confronts Heckling Fans By Responding, ‘I’m A F***ing Person’

“I’m a person, too. I have feelings.”

Over the weekend at the Pocono 400 race, Danica Patrick let the world know that the stream of boos she’s subjected to aren’t easily ignored. A group of fans learned this lesson after booing her for passing by without signing autographs following qualifying.

When fans realized she wouldn’t be heading their way, they let out a chorus of jeers and boos. The motorsports star, already a distance from them, immediately veered over to discuss their reaction.

An exasperated Patrick kept her composure, but she didn’t hold back when explaining to the gallery that she’s doing her best to prepare for the race, which can’t include indulging every fan’s autograph request.

Her remarks cut in and out, but this transcription, via For The Win, captures the statement in full:

“Since I’m old, instead of taking the booing, what I want to tell you is like, I’m doing the very best I can. If you’re a real fan, you know that I’m not just like … my job is not to sign autographs, right? My job is to drive a car and to tell the crew chief what’s going on. I don’t appreciate the booing. It hurts my feelings. I’m a fucking person, you know what I mean? I’m a person, too. I have feelings. When you boo me, it hurts my feelings. OK? Please just be supportive fans. I’ll do everything I can.”

It warrants mentioning that Patrick spent time meeting and signing for fans prior to the qualifying stage that day.

Patrick finished 16th in the race, tying her personal best at that track.

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