When you do something awesome, like see Benedict Cumberbatch perform on stage in Hamlet, you might feel the urge to snap a quick photo to share with your friends. Well, Benedict Cumberbatch thinks you should put your camera away, be in the moment and enjoy the performance. Your need to show others that you do cool things can create a major distraction to performers and fellow audience members, and basically it’s just a boner move. The beloved actor doesn’t use social media, but harnessed its power recently by asking fans to spread his message to audience photographers everywhere. Mr. Cumberbatch, I heed your call. #nophotos
Benedict Cumberbatch Wants You to Put Your Phone Away and Enjoy His Art
Beloved actor harnesses power of social media to stop audience photography.
By Doug PattersonAug 10, 2015
Doug Patterson
Doug is a writer and producer from Ohio. After taking films to Sundance and SXSW as an associate producer, he helped develop and produce Amazon's "Transparent." He joined GOOD in 2015 to write and produce content.