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An Illustrated Chart Explaining What's in Season

Want to know what's in season now? Check out this new illustrated, color-coded guide to seasonal vegetables from the folks at Foodstalk.

Tyler Mintz recently launched Foodstalk, a creative local foods campaign based out of Brooklyn. He's created this excellent chart of vegetables, color-coded by season. Green is for spring, yellow heads into the summer months. As he writes:

"What’s in Season, New York" is a chart representing the months in which different fruits and vegetables are in season within a 200 mile radius of New York City. When in season, fruits and vegetables are freshest and taste their best.

While there are certainly apps for finding seasonal foods, I'd have to agree with Tyler that it's nice to step away from the screen sometimes.

So, if you're eager to add to the collection of well-designed guides to vegetables, I'd certainly add this one to the kitchen wall, even if you're not in New York.

See the full version here.