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Cramer vs. Stewart, Recapped

Last night was the big throwdown (which sadly occurred at the same time as one of the greatest college basketball games of recent memory), and...

Last night was the big throwdown (which sadly occurred at the same time as one of the greatest college basketball games of recent memory), and there weren't really as many sparks as you might have expected. Sure, Stewart got in some good shots, but, in the end, Jim Cramer is not his target, just a straw man there for Stewart to yell at.The best part of the interview was that Stewart did not fall back on his usual technique when conducting one of his more serious interviews, which is to make a good point and then make a goofy joke which lets the person he is interviewing off the hook. His jokes were all sharp, pointed, and spot on. But his real target should be the head of CNBC, or CEOs like Dick Fuld or John Thain. Stewart's point that CNBC should serve as more of a watchdog is excellent, but Cramer mostly agrees with him. In fact, Cramer seems to agree with most everything Stewart is saying-CNBC should try to hold CEOs to the fire, and the network did encourage this attitude of making fast money on the markets at the expense of long-term investors, but Jim Cramer is not the man who should have to come on The Daily Show and answer for these sins. That part is a little unfair. See for yourself, here.

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