It's on. Some background: A few days agoon The Daily Show, John Stewart went off on CNBC, accusing the hosts of the business network of, basically, giving viewers shoddy financial advice. It was much discussed, and you can watch it here. Some of the CNBC commentators called out by Stewart were upset by his characterizations (and perhaps, by him yelling "Fuck you" at them). They began complaining about Stewart on their own shows. This was a bad idea. Stewart struck back a few nights ago, really really giving it to Mad Money's Jim Cramer. Watch that here.Tonight, Cramer will appear on The Daily Show to defend his honor and his stock tips. It should be a battle royale. Stewart can be a little self-righteous with his criticisms (cf. Crossfire appearance), and Cramer, for all his craziness on Mad Money, is clearly a smart guy (or has really good editors at New York) because his columns there are usually pretty excellent and erudite. Someone is going to be leaving the studio with their tail between their legs. Set your DVRs.UPDATE: For the super curious, here is Jim Cramer responding to Stewart. Chronologically, this appears between the first and second daily show clips linked above.
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