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Deep in the Vaults: A Very Early Beastie Boys Interview Unearthed and Animated

Blank on Blank makes vintage interviews available to the public.

You know that amazing feeling when you find money hiding in a jacket pocket that you haven't worn in months? I can imagine that's a little bit like how the team behind Blank on Blank feels every time they unearth a rare, never before heard or seen interview with some of the world's most interesting figures. They've built an entire business on these discoveries. They make these vintage interviews available to the public, but also present many with a creative twist, by animating segments, like this rare Beastie Boys' interview from 1985 conducted by Rocci Fisch for ABC News Radio.


At the time the boys were between the ages of 19 and 21, and midway through a tour opening up for Madonna. "Usually there’s about basically almost a riot breaking out after every show because either the crowd wants to kill us or we have to run from the girls because they mob us," Mike D describes of the tour. Adam “MCA” Yauch concludes that, at the time of the interview, they are the only white rappers out on vinyl (ahh remember vinyl?). He also describes their style as "soul, hardcore, b-boy music, and we do not play sucker music." Finally, when Fisch asks how they came up with their name. Yauch challenges: "Lay it on me: can you think of a stupider name than the Beastie Boys?"

Related: 19,000 Plates and Counting: Beastie Boys' Mike D Runs a Free Food Truck

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