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Dietary Supplements: Tuesday, February 15

Dietary Supplements is a daily roundup of what we're reading at GOOD Food HQ. Today we're serving up calories, subsidies, and fig spread. Enjoy!

We're all anticipating mandatory calorie counting, but new research has cast even more doubt on the value of calorie labeling at food food joints.

Meanwhile, if we're tricked into choosing apples over candy bars because of the "unit effect," then shouldn't we label all food energy as Joules (instead of calories)?

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a DC-based nonprofit, is suing the USDA, alleging a conflict of interest between its role in supporting US agriculture and issuing nutrition advice for Americans.

Obama's 2012 budget proposal calls for the elimination of more than $5 billion in agricultural spending, including subsidies that go to the wealthiest farmers.

And Time's Bryan Walsh on how foodies obsessed with heirloom tomatoes and their own health might just end up saving the environment too.

Finally, McSweeney's reviews Dalmatia Fig Spread, discovered its typical habitat: the Whole Foods sample table.

The preserve was a rich golden brown (the precise hue of the Dalmatian coast at sunset) and was studded with tiny seeds that glinted like jewels under the fluorescent track lighting. [...] Gone was the mouth breather from Aisle 2 who kept double dipping his toothpick in the cubes of Gruyere. I was transported to the world of Suleiman the Magnificent, to the kind of place [...] where the words "olive garden" don't necessarily evoke a leather banquette and a laminate menu.

Dietary Supplements is a daily roundup of what we're reading at GOOD Food HQ. Enjoy!