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Education: Morning Roundup [California Edition!]

Morning Roundup: From the Los Angeles Times: Thousands protest California education cuts Rallies and walkouts are largely...

Morning Roundup:

From the Los Angeles Times: Thousands protest California education cuts

Rallies and walkouts are largely peaceful, but 150 are arrested in Oakland as a freeway is blocked. The demonstrations are part of a nationwide 'Day of Action for Public Education.'

From Gawker: These College Protests Look Like So Much Fun
So, there was this big "day of action" on college campuses today. Awesome! Protests! Almost made us wish we were the ones whose quality of education was being threatened by state budget cuts. Drums! Dance parties! No School!

From the Los Angeles Times: California disqualified from receiving federal school funds
No reason was given for the decision. Education leaders announced that 15 other states and Washington, D.C., are in the running for billions in grants under the Race to the Top reform program.

From The New York Times: Teachers Suspended Over Role Model Choice
As part of a black history celebration at the end of last month, teachers in each classroom at the school chose an African-American role model. A representative child from each class wore a picture of their class pick on his or her shirt in a parade around school. The suspended teachers chose O. J. Simpson, the imprisoned former athlete; Dennis Rodman, the retired basketball player and controversy magnet; and the transvestite entertainer RuPaul, district officials said. Many other teachers chose conventional role models like President Obama.

Image via Getty.

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