Morning Roundup:
From The New York Times: In Law Schools, Grades Go Up, Just Like That
In the last two years, at least 10 law schools have made their grading systems more lenient to give their students a better chance in a soft job market.
From The New York Times: Inquiry Is Sought Into Practices of For-Profit Colleges
Citing the disproportionate share of federal student aid flowing into for-profit colleges, Democratic lawmakers have asked for an investigation into the finances and quality of those institutions.
From The Washington Post: Report finds KIPP students outscore public school peers
Middle school students in the Knowledge Is Power Program, a charter school network with a major footprint in the District and other cities, significantly outperform their public school peers on reading and math tests, according to a new study.
From USA Today: Obama urges absent fathers to re-engage in children's lives
Saying he has "lost count" of all the times when work demands have taken him away from his children, President Obama said Monday that his administration would move to raise awareness about "responsible fatherhood" and push to re-engage absent fathers with their families.
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