Morning Roundup:
From The New York Times: Louisiana: $1.8. Billion for Schools Lost to Katrina
The Obama administration will give New Orleans $1.8 billion in a lump-sum reimbursement for schools that were damaged or destroyed in the flooding after Hurricane Katrina
From the Los Angeles Times: Community colleges cancel deal with online Kaplan University
The state's community college system cancels agreement allowing students to take courses at the private online school, because they would not be transferrable to UC or Cal State campuses.
From the Boston Globe: New coalition to call for simpler teachers contract
Nearly two dozen business, civic, and grassroots organizations will announce a new coalition today to push for dramatic changes in the Boston Teachers Union contract that would permit such initiatives as teacher bonuses and extended days at all schools.
From The New York Times: Social Networking Your Way to a New Job
Job hunters must learn to navigate the social protocol of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Photo via Daymon Gardner.