Former CEOs from Sprint and RadioShack are setting up a new company called eRecyclingCoprs that will recycle or refurbish old cell phones:
Under its plan, consumers would turn up at their network operator's store with their old phone and get credit for the value of that device to be put toward a new phone.The carrier stores, which sell about 60 percent of U.S. cellphones, would then send the phones to eRecyclingCorps. It pays the carrier for the phones and sorts out which devices should be recycled and which ones can be refurbished. It would then sell the revamped phones to consumers in emerging markets.
This is a great idea. I probably don't need to tell readers of this blog about the e-waste problem. And this business will also make buying a phone cheaper for people in the states, conserve resources, and help connect people in developing countries where cell phones can be an important way of banking or getting health information.