Eric Garcetti has set a fairly lofty goal for himself this year—inspiring the city of Los Angeles.
Sure, it may sound grand, but the current City Councilman and mayoral prospect is confident in his ability to aid his fellow Angelenos in transforming their city. “We need to tell the story of Los Angeles as the place where creativity lives,” says Garcetti, “a place where we are showing how to build a city with a great transportation system, schools that prepare young people for high-wage jobs, and neighborhoods with a great quality of life.”
Garcetti, whose academic background is rooted in international relations and human rights, fared well in the first round of the election, a non-partisan primary, on March 5th, coming away with the win at 33 percent of the vote. Previously, he has served as the President of the Los Angeles City Council from 2006 to 2012, as well as on the California Board of Human Rights Watch.
“This year, Angelenos will vote for their next mayor and I am building a campaign to make Los Angeles work again and to position us as a city of opportunity for all residents,” Garcetti says.
According to Garcetti, a fourth-generation Angeleno himself, he’s concerned that only half the voters who turn out for November elections will cast votes in March and May, even though the mayor has a bigger impact on their daily lives than the President of the United States. He hopes to change this statistic by inspiring Angelenos to get involved on a local level—by registering to vote, getting out to the polls, and by volunteering, donating, and getting the word out about the campaign.
“Then, on July 1st, when we swear in our next mayor, the real fun of turning around our city begins,” he says.
Garcetti’s already rolled up his sleeves. He's ready to get to work.
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