Morgwn Rimel is the director of the School of Life, a magical sort of community center/philosophy club, based out of a small storefront in London’s Bloomsbury neighborhood. TSOL is dedicated to finding better ways to deal with the stresses, joys, and absurdities inherent in how we live now, hosting classes and discussions that range from how to have a conversation to how to make a difference.
The School offers both psychotherapy, as well as something called bibliotherapy, where specific reading material is suggested. Sunday Sermons on better living are also a regular part of TSOL’s culture; indeed, the group seems designed to be a secular solution to the human needs that religion once addressed.
“The School of Life is dedicated to exploring good ideas for everyday life,” Rimel says. “We believe that knowing how to live is something that can be learned, and that wisdom can be transmitted down the generations. We draw broadly on the history of culture and ideas: mining philosophy, history, literature, sociology, political thought, psychotherapy, and art for insights which have the power to transform our lives.”
More than 75,000 people have participated in TSOL programs in the UK, and this year, one of Rimel’s main goals is to bring these programs to new audiences around the world, the United States in particular. Another big ambition is to help companies and organizations achieve a new kind of success: one measured by the insight, wisdom and resilience of their owners, employees, and customers, not just profit margins.
“We believe that the sustainable and profitable businesses of the future will be those that can show a complex understanding of emotional needs as well as commercial imperatives, “Rimel says.
To do this, they have just launched The School of Life Studio, which will offer programs and creative services to organizations who would like to think deeply and more imaginatively about their place in the world, and to use their growing power and influence to directly contribute to the greater good.
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