There’s mounting evidence that spending time outside is crucial for our mental and physical health, and yet the great outdoors are becoming less and less a part of our lives. We think summer is the perfect time to fight this trend, avoid nature deficit disorder, and do some good outdoors. Tell us your plans to use outdoor activity for positive ends, and you could win a $5,000 grant on GOOD Maker.
Whether you want to lead a rafting trip for low-income youth, build a mountain-biking trail in your area, or host a music festival to showcase local artists, GOOD Maker can help make your idea a reality. Simply tell us what’s innovative about your project and how it will get others outdoors and doing good, and we’ll award $5,000 to the top-voted submission.
Entries for the Do GOOD Outdoors challenge will be accepted from June 15 through July 19 at noon Pacific Time. Voting will be open from July 19 through August 3 at noon Pacific Time.
Interested in participating in upcoming Challenges on GOOD Maker? Drop us a line at maker[at]goodinc[dot]com, sign up for our email list, or check out the current challenges on GOOD Maker.