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GOOD Weekend

If you were one of the six million people whose iPhones iBroke Friday while trying to upgrade to 3G, you may have missed the following newsbites from your communication black hole.In anticipation of the Olympics, the New York Times takes us on a tour of innovative architecture in Beijing, and China strongly..

If you were one of the six million people whose iPhones iBroke Friday while trying to upgrade to 3G, you may have missed the following newsbites from your communication black hole.

In anticipation of the Olympics, the New York Times takes us on a tour of innovative architecture in Beijing, and China strongly encourages restaurants to nix dog meat from the menu so as not to offend western visitors. Unfortunately for them, that might not cut it, as there's a chance the world will find new allegations that China is fueling conflict in Darfur more offensive than eating puppies.

The Pope is on his way to Australia to apologize for a lot of things including priestly pedophilia.

Baghdad texts Iraq and tells them not to drink the water.

Stateside, and on the lighter side, the beloved duet of M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel, She & Him, premieres an adorably morbid new music video that involves Zooey prancing around scattered corpses and cartoon ghosts in a wedding gown with a bloody ax in her back.

See you Monday!

Image: Zooey with undead nuns in a still from She & Him's creepy new video.

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