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GOOD Hosts WorldChanging

Please join us this Saturday as we host a party to celebrate theWorldchanging book tour.Worldchanging: A Users Guide for the 21st Century is a compendium of themost innovative solutions, ideas and inventions for building a sustainablefuture. Books will be on-sale at the party.Check it out Saturday, December..

Please join us this Saturday as we host a party to celebrate the
Worldchanging book tour.

Worldchanging: A Users Guide for the 21st Century is a compendium of the
most innovative solutions, ideas and inventions for building a sustainable
future. Books will be on-sale at the party.

Check it out

Saturday, December 2
Equator Books in Venice
1103 Abbot Kinney Blvd
7:30pm to close

This event is open to the public, so please bring friends to enjoy great
music and complimentary organic wine.

We look forward to seeing you!