If every couple were identically matched, then every relationship would be incredibly boring. People in relationships are expected to have different interests, careers, friends, income levels, expectations, appetites, and opinions. But when it comes to couples with mixed body types, there seems to be far too much judgment. That’s why people are praising an Instagram post by body positivity advocate and aspiring plus-size model, Jasmine Owens.
On Friday, Owens shared a picture of herself in a bikini at the beach with her husband. In the photo of the happy couple, it’s easy to see that Owens has a softer, curvier body than her husband, who is chiseled and muscular. “Over the years this man has loved every curve, every roll, and every stretch mark on my body. I never understood why!” Owens wrote on her post. “But now I see I do have the ‘perfect’ body!! Every roll, every curve and every stretch mark is put on me just perfect to make both of us happy!!! I love my body and I finally see why he does too!!”
Owens has come a long way from the days when her unhealthy body image was a barrier to living a full life. “Over the years, my negative body image has held me back from enjoying life with my husband and kids, and I was finally fed up with hiding from the world,” she told HuffPost. “Since then, I have made steps, such as buying my first two-piece bathing suit, wearing it to the pool and to the beach and learning to stop judging myself.”
Throughout her journey of self-love, Owens’s husband has been her number one source of support. “When I started receiving negative comments and opinions, at first I was really hurt,” she told HuffPost. “But my husband was the one who first told me that they are just opinion and that I was too beautiful to let the insecure, negative people impact my life.” Owens truly is a special woman, and her husband isn’t just a beautiful man on the outside, but on the inside as well.