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Jon Stewart Points Out The Two Words Donald Trump Always Uses When He Lies

He lies a LOT

President Trump is a remorseless liar. Sure, he’s in a profession where people commonly play loose with the truth, but even among politicians, Trump’s dishonesty is shocking. During the 2016 election he was four times more likely to receive a False or Pants on Fire rating from Politifact than his opponent, Hillary Clinton. So Monday on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” former “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart made an appearance to call out Trump out for his blatant lies.

“Trump lies in a press conference more than CNN does in a year and that’s coming from a guy who, as you know, hates CNN,” Stewart said. When Colbert asked Stewart whether Trump was lying on purpose, Stewart answered with an emphatic yes. “He’s lying on purpose!” Stewart exclaimed. “You know how I know how? Because he constantly says the phrase ‘believe me.’ Nobody says ‘believe me’ unless they are lying.”

Stewart also touched on Trump’s “breakup” with the media after his administration banned major news outlets form a press conference last week. “This breakup with Donald Trump has given you, the media, an amazing opportunity for self-reflection and improvement,” he told the media at-large. “Instead of worrying about whether Trump is un-American, or if he thinks you’re the enemy, or if he’s being mean to you, or if he’s going to let you go back into the briefings, do something for yourself. Self-improvement! Take up a hobby. I recommend journalism.”

Here’s ten minutes of Trump begging for you to believe him. It’s a wonder why anyone still does.