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North Dakota Farmer Plows Prince’s ‘Love Symbol’ Into His Field

He plowed Prince’s ‘love symbol’ into his cornfield

Prince’s incredible artistry struck a chord with just about everyone. His genre-defying music and breathtaking performances touched people across the world regardless of their age, sex, or race. In this case, his death touched one 75-year-old North Dakota farmer so profoundly, he decided to make a football field-sized tribute to the late singer.

Gene Hanson, a self-professed lover of Prince’s anthem, “Purple Rain,” was so saddened by the performer’s death that he decided to plow Prince’s iconic “love symbol” into one of his massive fields. “I thought to myself, maybe I should try something like that,” Hanson told the Grand Forks Herald. “I didn’t tell anyone I was going do it, I didn’t even tell my wife I was going to do it. But it’s been fun.” To accomplish his majestic plowing feat, he printed out a picture of Prince’s “love symbol” and “I taped that little sign on the hood of the tractor and just went by that,” Hanson says.

Previously, Hanson has plowed other messages into his field, including: “Happy Easter,” “Happy Mothers Day,” and “Pray for Rain.” Who knows, this lovely message to his royal badness may bring some purple rain from heaven this year.