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Mike Pence’s New D.C. Neighbors Greet Him By Hanging Gay Pride Flags

They won’t stand for homophobia

The great thing about living in a democracy is that when our leaders take a stance, they have to live with the consequences. Vice-President-Elect Mike Pence is having to face the music these days for his long history of homophobia. First, he was booed by the entire theater at a performance of “Hamilton” in New York City. Now, his new neighbors in Washington, D.C. are welcoming by hanging rainbow gay pride flags outside of their homes.

While serving as Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence supported the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which gave business owners legal protection to discriminate against members of the LGBT community. He also signed a bill to jail same-sex couples who applied for marriage licenses and tried to divert funding for HIV prevention to gay conversion therapy. This scientifically-rejected form therapy often involves electrocuting people to shock them into being straight.” So Pence’s new neighbors have pulled out their pride flags to show him how they feel about his homophobia.

The pride flag is a “a respectful message showing, in my case, my disagreement with some of his thinking,” said Ilse Heintzen a woman who lives in Pence’s new neighborhood. Heintzen has many gay and lesbian friends so she’s decided to show her support for them by hanging her flag where Pence can see it. “I have no idea what [the Vice-President-Elect] will think about, but I hope he will change his mind.”